Friday, March 27, 2009

This was a one crazy night out on the town, my sister and I went to a concert and the band name was Velour. Sorry the pictures are not that great! But they are real!!

This is another great picture, this was the guitar man doing his thing!! YEAH!!

This picture is my pride and joy. Last year Beyoncia came to Boise and my hubby and I went, It was so awesome!! We got great seats because my hubby worked for a person who knew a person, wink wink..

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Summer Dornon

Music! Ah! Good old music! We all love that past time of setting in our car at that red light listening to our favorite song, heck some of us might even get down with our bad self. Music can take on several forms, from informational to just exploring new emotions. On this blog moment I would like to take the time and talk about four different aspects I see in music; these are sharing of emotions, informational, advertising and lastly message sending.

We all know well too much that we can turn to music and find a piece that fits our present emotion. Classical for homework time, rock and roll for working out, pop music for a bad day with the hubby and the list continues. But then we can turn around and find music that can change our present emotion. A great example is when you are mad; those love songs can always get ya and make you start crying!! So listeners beware!!

Informational? Yes, I know what you are thinking, but just stop for a moment and think to yourself. Did you learn something in someway by listening to that song? I think country music holds the most information, with talking about war and history facts but then again you can again street knowledge if you listen to some of that rap music.

I think that music is also well known for its advertising. I think it was that new song that was advertised women’s jeans, the line in the song went something like this…”with her apple butt jeans..” oh yes, I looked it up and back east there is a big name brand jean line for women called apple bottom.

Message sending can be done in several forms, but the most popular is to write it in a love song, right? Well, music does a great job in sending message of all kinds from love to importance of money. This is the most essential part of music in my eyes, because if you are sending out the wrong message then what are your listeners thinking? As you can till music is a very powerful tool and unless used correctly and with appropriate wording things can become very sticky if ya know what I mean..
PS...Can you hear the theme song for my picture??

Monday, March 23, 2009

In the Beginning

This here is an awesome blog created by Summer, Ben, and Jaime. For our Comm 140 project, we are creating a music blog complete with videos, photos, articles, and of course lots of music. If anyone finds this and wants to add some new music, or other interesting things they've found on the web about music, e-mail us and we'll put it up.